How to Help Your Senior Family Members Move

helping senior family members move in FloridaWhen assisting your senior family members with a move, there are definitely some challenges that can arise. Whether they can no longer keep up with their house and have to downsize, or are ready to move in to an assisted living facility, it’s a difficult move. Old homes contain multitudes of both memories and possessions. Giving these up can be difficult for anyone, so it’s necessary for you to proceed with gentleness and patience. Below, we’ll guide you through making the move a smooth transition.

Downsizing a Lifetime of Clutter

We all know that getting rid of old, unwanted possessions is an inevitable part of moving houses. Unfortunately, downsizing can be stressful for senior family members. A lifetime of memories is tied up in the belongings they’ve accumulated. So letting go can seem overwhelming to them.

It’s important to start downsizing well in advance of the move. This will avoid unnecessary stress, give you time to make lists of all their necessary belongings, and help you work together to plan out their new living space. A useful trick is plotting out their new floor plan on graph paper, and then filling it piece-by-piece with the furniture and appliances from their existing home.

Talking To Them About the Move

Often, the children of elderly parents are forced to have a difficult conversation with their parents about downsizing or moving into an assisted living home. This topic is challenging without risking upset and distress. Consequently, you should approach this conversation in stages. Don’t rush your senior family members into immediately beginning the decluttering process. Give them time to absorb the fact. Then, try to make the act of downsizing as painless as possible. A good strategy is to gather your family member’s loved ones together and work through the clutter as a team. You can rally as a support system around them, sorting through the boxes of old mementos and reliving their nostalgic value as a family.

Acknowledge what your family member is giving up by moving from their old, cherished home. Leaving behind a place where they’ve made years of memories is not easy. Anticipate their feelings of loss and try to help in any way you can. Being there for them as a supportive shoulder or a listening ear will facilitate this big transition in their life.

Are you getting ready to help a relative with a move? We understand the planning alone can be quite the endeavor! Call us today and let us assist you in safely transporting their lifetime of precious possessions into a new home. We are Florida’s premier moving company with locations in both Tallahassee and Lakeland/Tampa.