How to Say Goodbye to Coworkers and Neighbors Before You Move

Whether it is for work, family, or cost of living, every year, 40 million people move from their homes. This means millions of people have to say goodbye to their friends and coworkers every year.

Breaking the news can be hard on everyone involved. There will be tears and heartfelt goodbyes. Saying goodbye does not need to be a painful affair.

Here are some ways to say goodbye to make parting a little easier.

Examples of How to Say Goodbye to Friends

Saying goodbye to your friends will be difficult. These are people you have come to view as an extension of your family.

Tell Them Right Away

Since your friends are no doubt important to you, when you go to move, you need to give them time to process the news. So, it’s important to tell them right away instead of putting it off.  

If you tell them right before you leave, the chances are that they will feel hurt and think you don’t care about them. Your friends will feel under-appreciated. When you tell them earlier in the process, it gives you time to say goodbye. It will make it easier for everyone to accept that this is happening.  

Tell them in Person

Your friends are an essential part of your life. Like any critical information you share with people, you want to do it in person. Your friends will appreciate the gesture.

Telling them over the phone or social media might put a strain on things before you leave. You want to make sure the last few weeks/months you spend with them are happy ones.

Spend Quality Time

A great way to make the goodbye process a little easier is to talk about all the fun you had together. You can re-visit the places you have fond memories of with each of your friends. Once you leave, you will be able to cherish the old memories and the new memories you created before you left.  

Throw a Party

Throwing a party is a great way to have fun with your friends while making the transition a little easier. This may be the last chance to talk to one another and really get all your emotions out. The party doesn’t have to be anything fancy or large, it could be a small get together.

Examples of How to Say Goodbye to Coworkers

Your coworkers are people you are guaranteed to see almost every single day. They have an impact on the atmosphere where you work and how you each interact in that work environment.

Goodbye Letter/Email

A great and easy way to let your colleagues know you are leaving is to send out a goodbye email/letter. Depending on how close you are to each of your coworkers, you may want to send out different types of emails.

You could write a more generalized email to coworkers you don’t know as well. At the same time, make more personalized emails to coworkers you spend a lot of time with. This will show everyone in the office you cared about the contributions they have made.

Sending goodbye messages will show your colleagues that you are professional and polite. When you leave, there will be a more positive atmosphere.

Tell them in Person

For colleagues you are close to, you may want to tell them in person instead of sending a message. You can talk about the projects you worked on together or funny moments you shared.

This would be a great time to take them out to lunch as a final farewell.  

Connect Through Social Media

Moving doesn’t have to be a finalized goodbye. After all, we live in a day and age where the internet is in full swing. Many social media outlets allow you to stay in touch with both your friends and coworkers.

You may be sad that you won’t see them every day, but at least you can remain in contact with anyone you care about.

Packing It up

Saying goodbye is never fun; you want to avoid it at all costs. You will think if you don’t say anything you won’t really be losing these people from your life.

That’s why it is essential to say the appropriate goodbyes. You can enjoy the time you have left with your friends and coworkers. This will make the transition a little bit easier for everyone.

If you want more moving tips, visit our blog.