How to Sort and Eliminate Stuff Before You Move

If you’re planning a household move, you might consider paring down your belongings before you pack. A thorough decluttering before moving saves you time and energy on both ends of your move. It might even save you a little money, too, because the more stuff you have, the more it can cost to move it.

Start early and do a little at a time to make your move more manageable and stress-free.

Use Up Extra and Bulk Items

Many people buy things in bulk at warehouse clubs or when items go on sale. Over time, this can take up a lot of space in your home. Once you are sure you plan to move, start using them up so there will be less to pack. Great things to scale down on include:

  • Paper goods, like toilet paper, paper towels, and napkins
  • Toiletries, such as shampoos, conditioners, soaps, etc.
  • Pantry items, especially jars and cans, which are either breakable or heavy
  • Cleaning products such as detergent, dish soap, floor cleaners, etc.

If you have stacks of magazines piling up with plans to read them later, start reading, then pitch them into the recycle bin! Also, properly dispose of expired or close-to-expiring OTC medications you are unlikely to use before moving day.

Make Separate Piles

Decluttering before a move is a daunting task. An easy way to reduce clutter in your household is to make separate piles:

  1. Keep, donate, and discard.
  2. Go through everything and place your belongings in the proper pile.
  3. Keep only the things you’re confident are relevant.
  4. Donate items that are still useful for others.

For your home office area, set up separate bins for shredding (e.g., documents with sensitive private information), storage, and recycling.

Start With the Things You Use the Least

Excellent areas to start decluttering include basements, attics, garages, sheds, and closets. If you’re like most people, you have a ton of books, clothing, bedding, and other items stashed in various nooks and crannies throughout the house.

Leave any memorabilia or sentimental items until the end so they don’t distract from the task. It’s easy to get caught up in the sentimental challenge. So, stay on track.

Let Go of Items You Won’t Use in Your New Home

If you have furniture, knick-knacks, clothing, or other things that don’t have a place in your new home, pass them on to others who can use them. For instance, your new home’s configuration, windows, and other differences won’t be like your current home.

If you are downsizing and have fewer bedrooms or baths, you can leave items for those areas behind. For instance, you may no longer need specific power tools or machinery (e.g., a snow blower) at your new home. Now’s a great time to donate, sell, or give these items away.

Ready to Plan Your Move?

Decluttering is a terrific way to start afresh in your new home. Your new rooms can be an empty canvas for you to design the way you’ve always dreamed. 

Ready to schedule your move? Contact us today for a free quote! We’re happy to help.