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Take It Or Leave It: 6 Great Tips On Downsizing To a Smaller Home When You Move

37% of American homeowners would rather have a small house than a large one. If you’re one of these Americans and are downsizing to a smaller home, it can be a challenge trying to determine what you need to bring along with you.

Moving is a stressful time, so take the time to reduce some stress before the big day. Here are six great tips on downsizing to a smaller home.

1. Start Planning Early

When you leave things until the last second, you won’t make the best decisions. Early on in the moving process, take inventory of everything you have and note which items won’t fit in your new house.

When you have a clear list of what you have and where each item needs to go (either to your next residence or sold to someone else), you won’t be scrambling around trying to put things like oversized furniture into your smaller home.

2. Clear out Your Wardrobe

You may have accumulated a large collection of clothes over the years, but do you really wear every single piece? Go through your drawers and closets to determine which garments you don’t wear anymore. Donate your unused clothing to charity.

3. Get Rid of Old or Large Furniture

You may have an old couch that’s very comfortable, but it may be too large for your new place. Don’t try to make it fit; not only will it make the room look smaller, but it will probably detract from your new environment.

4. Eliminate Duplicates

It’s particularly easy to collect duplicate items in the kitchen. Go through everything from cookware to utensils to eliminate things you don’t need.

If you have numerous spatulas, large spoons, oversized stock pots, multiple sized cookie sheets, this is the time to pare down and only take with you what you need.

5. Reduce Things From Rooms You Won’t Have

If you’re relocating to an apartment or townhome, the chances are you won’t have a garage, basement, or office. Virtually everything in those spaces should be sold or donated unless you know you have space available for them in another room in the new home.

Consider selling these items at a yard sale or online. Outdoor tools and solid office furniture bring in more money than old sofas.

6. Use an Off-Site Storage Unit

When you’ve gone through and determined everything you want to keep and find that you can’t fit them in your new home, then you might want to look into renting an off-site storage unit. This can be a temporary solution while you work out if you’re going to sell them or make more space in your new home.

Use These Tips for Downsizing to a Smaller Home

When you use our tips on downsizing to a smaller home, you won’t have too much difficulty bringing the things you need to your new residence. With proper planning and resource allocation, your move will go quickly and smoothly.

If you’re moving soon and need a professional mover, get a free quote from us today.

Manage Your Move From Your Smartphone: Top 10 Apps

You’ve wandered around the house a few times, you’ve picked things up and put them in a different room. Let’s admit it. You’re no closer to starting your move than you were last week.

We’ve all been there! When it comes to moving, one of the hardest things is merely knowing where to start. Let us tell give you a tip… “start by picking up your smartphone.”

No, we don’t mean scroll on Facebook or get lost in the world of Instagram. There are now plenty of amazing apps designed to make your big move as easy as A, B, C. Let’s take a look at the top ten.

1. MyMovingList

Are you looking for a time plan of how to manage your move? MyMove allows you to create a timeline of up to 8 weeks before the big day meaning that you won’t be leaving things to the last minute. MyMove is the ideal app to avoid moving day stress.

2.  Wunderlist

This is the ideal app if you like making lists. Wunderlist allows you to create, update and share your lists with collaborators, so you know exactly where you are in the moving process

3. Mint

Not great at budgeting? Then let Mint do the hard work for you. Simply link the app to your bank account, and you can organize your transactions, create graphs and quickly see where you are underspending or, overspending concerning your move.

4. Sortly

Do you find yourself thinking “Ah I’ll put that somewhere safe” only to forget where you packed it? If this sounds like you, then Sortly will be a dream come true. Take a photo of essential items, label them in the app and log where you pack them so when you move you know precisely where they are.

5. TaskRabbit

Sometimes it is just easier to get someone else to do the hard work, and that is precisely where TaskRabbit comes in handy. Need some repairs on your new place before you move in? With this app, you can find someone to clean your new home, hang new curtains, or even mount shelves.

6. MagicPlan

Trying to imagine how everything will look in your new home, but struggling? Then MagicPlan might be your ideal app. Take pictures of your new house (the app will tell you how), and you’ll be able to create and edit a virtual floor plan of every room.

7. Pinterest

A great app partner for MagicPlan. Search for decorating ideas and inspiration on Pinterest. You can save your favorite ideas onto different pinboards for each room.

8. Postmates

If you realize you’ve forgotten something, run out of toiletries, or maybe you’re just hungry? Whatever it is, Postmates will deliver your needs right to your door, so you can continue with your move without having to leave the house.

9. Thumbtack

A whole host of home services are available at the touch of a button. From interior designers to home security installers, Thumbtack has you covered.

10. Nextdoor

Connect with your new neighbors to find out about local events, great eateries and much more right in your community. Note, you’ll have to verify your address for access to your local group. You can also receive alerts from police, so you’re always in the loop.

Become a Moving Superstar

That’s it! Our top ten list of amazing smartphones apps that will turn you from a confused moving day wreck into a Moving Superstar. Sounds good, doesn’t it? So, what are you waiting for, it’s time to get organized!

At Browning Moving & Storage, we’re moving experts. Let us help you get all of your stuff to your new home. Contact us for a free quote.

Create A Perfect ‘Moving Plan’ With These Essentials

We’ve all relocated at some point; those long sleepless nights, the endless lists circling in your head, the ever-expanding budget and so on. So, let’s momentarily step-in as your virtual assistant and tell you exactly what needs to be included in your moving plan to ensure that you stay stress-free.

Make a Moving Binder

Start off right by getting and staying organized. Create a moving binder to keep all of your move-related documents. Here you can keep all of your checklists, proposals, contracts, measurements, receipts, and all items related to your move.

Divide the binder into useful sections to keep all your pertinent information at your fingertips. Perhaps one half of the binder is material related to your current home, and the other half is specific to your new home.

Craft a Master To-Do List

A successful move depends on excellent planning and timing. Create a master to-do list to help guide you through the entire moving process. Find one online or customize your own list to be your individualized resource during your relocation journey. Place your master list in your moving binder to keep everything in one central place.

Be Brave and Budget

Moving costs can easily multiply without you even realizing it. Many tend to underestimate how the cost of relocation can add to the stress of moving. It’s essential to dedicate a little time creating a personalized moving budget, so you know what to expect.

Consider every possible expense associated with your move when you develop your budget. That may include everything from: the packaging, storage space, and insurance, to take out meals, childcare, and pet sitters. There are hundreds of budget templates online so you can source one most suitable or create your own in excel.

Make a Floor Plan

Fun and practical at the same time, a floor plan of your new home will come in handy. Share this floorplan with your movers so they can see where items need to go. You can create a floor plan on paper, or you use an online website like Homestyler.

Plan a Purge

Now is the perfect time to purge your home of items you longer need. Delve into that cabinet that hasn’t been opened for years, donate unwanted clothes to charity, and think carefully before deciding if you really need your collection of old cell phones which have been collecting dust since 1999.

Also, consider that some items might be less expensive to replace once you arrive at your new home than they are to move.

Moving Day Schedule

As part of your moving binder, you might have a specific list for the actual moving day. Your schedule can be as detailed or loose as it suits you, but remember to be clear in your communication and expectation with your movers and helpers. Coordinate and confirm the times with everyone from your pet-sitter to the person at the new home waiting for the movers to arrive.

Ready for the Big Move

With these moving plans in place you will be prepared and in control on moving day, and you won’t feel quite so overwhelmed. If you need more help with your move contact us today!

8 Tips for When You Meet the Neighbors

Research from Pew claims that fewer and fewer Americans know their neighbors. In fact, nearly a third have never even met their neighbors.

Reclaim the small-town American charm and meet the neighbors. Take some of the uncertainty out of your move by getting to know the people in your neighborhood with these exciting tips and ideas.

1. Introduce Yourself

Moving to a new neighborhood is a challenging endeavor. Even a planned, happy move is a daunting experience.

Don’t wait for your neighbor to make the first move. Take the initiative and introduce yourself. Begin by explaining that you’re their new neighbor and don’t forget to smile!

Having trouble making conversation? Find something you have in common. After all, you already have your new neighborhood in common. Discuss your children, work, or pets!

2. Host a Housewarming

Housewarming parties are an excellent way to meet the neighbors in the comfort of your own home, surrounded by your family and friends.

Show off your interior decorating chops or brush off an old family recipe and “Wow!” your new neighbors.

3. Be the Helpful Neighbor

Lend a helping hand when it’s needed. Perhaps you see an older neighbor struggling with the lawnmower, or you see a neighbor that could use a tool you have in your garage.

Be the helpful neighbor and make a great first impression.

4. Be Social On and Offline

Many neighborhoods today are staying connected in person and online. You may be invited to a neighborhood Facebook group or group message. Accept with grace and introduce yourself virtually.

Online groups are an excellent way of easily chatting with your new neighbors and even meeting familiar faces that live farther down the street. Be active and kind online and in person.

5. Stay Active

The ideal way to get your bearings in a new neighborhood is to go for a walk or run. Learn the streets, meet people you normally would never run into, and get to know the geographic layout of your new neighborhood.

You may even find a running buddy while you’re at it!

6. Become a Member of the Community

Being an active member in your community shows commitment and charm. Become a voice in your community and attend meetings and events.

Show your emerging passion for your new neighborhood and become a trusted member of the community.

7. Know Your Boundaries

It’s important to be kind, but it’s also important to know your boundaries. Some people may not be that keen to meet their neighbors. Others may be on the quiet side.

Be conscious of people’s body language and look out for strained smiles.

You want to be a nice neighbor, not a nosy one.

8. Be Watchful

Keep a vigilant eye out in your neighborhood. Be aware and alert to what goes on, who you should watch out for, and always trust your gut.

Be watchful for the safety of your neighbors, as well as your own family.

Move and Meet the Neighbors

Your neighbors are very much a part of the moving experience. By following these eight tips, you can develop great relationships and lasting friendships with your neighbors!

Need help making the move?

Browning Moving & Storage has been helping families in Tampa, Lakeland, and Tallahassee find ease in moving. Contact us to learn more about our moving and storage facilities and receive a free estimate!