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4 Benefits of Hiring a Professional Mover for Your Upcoming Move

Moving your household is a big ordeal. Even with the best organizational practices, making a DIY move can pose some challenges. If you’ve got an upcoming move, you can eliminate the stress and difficulties by hiring a moving company to help out. Here are several benefits you can enjoy by letting a professional mover do the heavy lifting.

1. Save Time

Movers have the equipment and the easy ability to transport all your belongings in one trip— no worries about you making dozens of trips back and forth with your vehicle. A mover can do this for you in no time at all! This gives you more time to focus on other important details such as arranging utilities, finalizing rental agreements or house sales, registering kids for school, or handling job transitions.

2. Enjoy a Stress-Free Move

Professional movers are skilled at what they do – they know all the ins and outs of relocation, whether on the other side of town or across state lines. But, of course, you can manage moving details yourself. Still, aside from making multiple trips, finding people to help, or loading boxes and furniture onto a rental truck, there is packing and unpacking to consider.

Whether you opt for a full-service move to do it all or just to transport your possessions, your mover can do any or all of it efficiently. As a result, you enjoy less stress and have more time to settle into your home more quickly.

3. Avoid Personal Injury

Moving a household involves a high risk of personal injury. Consider the following risks:

  • Moving on a day with rainy, icy, or snowy weather
  • Needing to carry heavy items up or down stairs at either end of the move
  • Experiencing a slip and fall accident (lots of hazards on moving day)
  • Improper lifting leads to injury of the back, neck, leg, or arm

Your mover will know exactly how to move your items safely without causing personal injury, ensuring a safer move for all.

4. Potentially Save Money

Many people assume hiring a professional to move their belongings is more expensive. However, you might be surprised to find little difference when you add up other potential costs associated with a DIY move. Consider these expenses that factor into a DIY relocation.

  • Taking several PTO days to pack, load, unload, and unpack
  • Renting a large truck for one or more days
  • Buying or renting moving tools and packing supplies
  • Paying for gas
  • Any unexpected expenses

When you work with a pro, you’ll have a reasonable estimate of what to expect upfront and can even sign a binding agreement to ensure you’ll pay what you expect. This way, you can plan accordingly.

Plan Your Upcoming Move

Working with a professional mover can cut out the complex parts, work within your budget, and relieve excess stress. As a result, you can relax in your new home. If you’d like a free quote, contact us today.

A Simple Guide To Organizing An Office Move

The initial thought of new office space can be exciting! Then the list of upcoming moving tasks runs through your mind. The to-do list seems endless, and panic sets in.

How will you make an office move without business coming to a screeching halt?

Don’t worry; a seamless office move is possible! All you need is some planning, open communication, and a little help.

Let’s look at a simple guide to making your office move a success.

Start Planning Early

Moving an office is no small task! Do your business a favor and start planning at least six months before the scheduled move.

Get a project plan and team together to keep everything running smoothly. This plan should outline things that need to get done, who is in charge of what, and when the deadlines for each task are.

Have regular meetings to keep all project leads on task and in the loop.

Talk to Your Employees

Keeping employees informed about the office move is just as important. If you don’t, it could cause confusion and delays.

Let them know who the project leads are, when the move date is, and if they get assigned to any moving duties. Also, let them know who to contact should they have any questions.

Closer to the move date, give your employees all the information they need to know about the new building. Highlight any key features of the office space. Setting up a tour may even get their excitement levels up.

Notify Your Service Providers

The key to moving offices with little to no business disruption is the ability to unplug from the old office and plug into the new with ease. To do this, you need to notify all your service providers of the move well in advance.

Make sure you schedule services such as utilities, internet, and phone to be ready to go. Don’t forget to notify the mail and delivery services.

Also, make sure your IT department is available to help if any issues come up.

Hire Corporate Movers

With something as important as moving your office, you can’t rely on just any movers. You need a crew who has experience with minimizing downtime during a commercial move.

Corporate movers know exactly what goes into an office move. They can help you plan in a way that meets your needs, whether it’s moving all in one day or moving in phases.

Plus, they will help pack your things and reinstall them in the new place, taking one more task off your shoulders.

Tell Your Customers and Clients

Notify all your customers and clients of your move well in advance. That way, they know where to find you and anticipate any possible delays in communication or service.

Don’t rely on one form of communication to get your message across. Send letters, post on your social media accounts, send emails, and add the info to your website. You can even issue a press release or host a party for clients in your new office to celebrate.

Make Your Office Move Seamless

You can keep business booming, even through an office move. By using these tips, your move will be just as exciting as you hoped it could be. Need experienced corporate movers for your new office space? Contact us today for a free quote!

Moving Timeline: When and How to Prepare for a Move

If you are trying to put together a move that will work, it pays to link up with a professional and put together a timeline. The best time to move depends on your needs and how much you would like to spend. 

Regardless, there are some planning steps that you can take to help you with the process of moving so that it is as seamless as possible. 

Use the tips below to put together your ideal moving timeline. 

1. Select an Off-Peak Season Move

The decision of when to move depends on your needs, budget, and preferences. If you want to save some money on your move and you have the flexibility, choose late fall, winter, or early spring to relocate.

Peak season is considered any time between April through September when the demand for movers is high. Steer clear of peak season unless it is absolutely necessary. 

2. Create a Budget

Decide on a moving budget. Include all of your moving costs, plus how much money you’ll need immediately after the move for furniture, upgrading, etc. Remember to include travel expenses, storage costs, and packing supplies.

3. Purge Before Packing

Be practical about the household goods you own. You probably don’t have to bring all of it with you. It will save time and money if you can scale back on your inventory. 

Sometimes these things might be of better use to others if you donate them or give them away. Go through all of your belonging before you pack them up and answer these questions:

  1. Do you absolutely love it, or could you live without it?
  2. Do you remember the last time you used it?
  3. Did you remember it until you just saw it?

Challenge yourself on everything you go through. Your answers will demonstrate how important these items are in your daily life.

4. Start Packing Early

Packing happens to be one of the most tedious parts of the moving process. Set aside as much time as possible to pack up all of your belongings. 

This means also getting your hands on the best boxes and shipping containers, and making sure that you keep an inventory of everything that you are putting inside of each. 

5. Notify Utilities

Schedule your utility service termination two weeks before your move. This will give you plenty of time to make adjustments in case your schedule changes.

Allow for some overlap of services. Keep your utilities in your current home in place for one or two days after your scheduled move date so that you’ll have lights and water if you have to come back to clean or finish up tasks at your old home. You will also want to have the utilities at your new house turned on a day or two before you move in to allow for changes in your moving schedule or to allow you to come early to prep your new home.

6. Prepare Your New Home

Prime and prep your new home before the move. If possible, before bringing that first box into your new home, spend some time prepping it. Change the locks and toilet seats. Clean the baseboard, ceiling fans, vacuum up and scrub down the kitchen and bathrooms.  If the walls need minor fixes like patching picture hook holes, take the opportunity to do this before you begin your own decorating.

Put Together the Best Moving Timeline For Your Needs

A successful move begins with a solid moving timeline and quality assistance.Contact us. We can help you put together a complete moving timeline as well as help with your move.

Moving Day Tips: How to Make the Day Go as Smoothly as Possible

When you’re trying to find help with your next move, it’s essential to put together a to-do list. By controlling the variables that you can, and leaving the rest to a mover, you can count on a successful move. 

So, what should you know about planning your move?

Use the moving day tips below to start your to-do list. It will make the moving process easy. 

1. Book Your Move as Early as Possible

When you can plan a move out in detail, you can count on it being effective and speedy. 

As soon as you know your moving date, call to schedule your moving company. Calling as early as possible will save you headaches later. 

2. Get Specific About the Services You Need

Moving pros can provide many services. Quality movers can pack your boxes, load the truck, move your household goods, and provide help with special items that are heavy or difficult to lift and move. 

You can also get a more accurate price quote when you explain your moving needs in detail. Give your mover time to put together everything that you need, so that your service is customized to your move. 

3. Schedule Your Utilities 

Notify your utility companies so that you can get your accounts switched over to your new address. Or, if you are moving out of the area, schedule to have your utilities turned off at your old place and on at your new one.

By confirming in advance that you have service at the new address, you won’t be left in the dark on moving day. Likewise, schedule the activation of your internet and television service so that your communication infrastructure is set up correctly. 

4. Use Self-Storage to Ease the Burden of the Move

Renting a temporary storage unit is an excellent idea for anyone planning out a move. 

For some, this is an important option when your new home isn’t quite ready, or if you need to store certain items until the timing is right. 

Price out these services so that you can factor it into your moving budget. 

5. Have an Overnight Box

Finally, you need to make sure that you are personally prepared for the move. By the time you get to your new home, you will likely be exhausted and ready to unwind before unpacking everything. 

While packing up your old home, designate a box or bag that has all of the things that you will need immediately in your new home. Be sure that you include toiletries, medications, electronics chargers, snacks, and cleaning products. You might also want to include a change of clothes so that you have them available right away.

Make sure that you prepare your kids for the move, and set their favorite belongings aside as well. Pack their favorite items like stuffed animals and necessary clothes in your overnight box as well. They will feel reassured upon arrival in your new home if they have their cherished belongings right away.  

Use These Moving Tips to Make Your Day Go Smoothly

These moving day tips will prepare you for whatever the day brings. Keep these tips in mind and put them to use, whether you’re moving locally or to a different state. 

We’re the moving company that you need to reach out to when you need competence and professionalism. 

Take the time to contact us online or give us a call to see how we can help you with your relocation.

Here Are 5 Things to Do When Moving Into a New House to Call it a Home

Moving into a new home can feel incredibly overwhelming. There’s so much to do on moving day; you might find yourself having a hard time prioritizing and staying on track. Keep reading to learn five things to do when moving into a new house

1. Set Up Utilities

Contact your utility companies and transfer water, electrical, trash, gas, and sewer into your name before you move in. You don’t want to find out you don’t have electricity when the sun goes down. You’ll also want to set up your internet and cable. 

2. Set Up Security

Setting up a security system will give you peace of mind in your new home. It takes no time for a security company to activate your system if the home already has the equipment installed. Make sure the codes you choose are strong and hard to guess.

Another thing you should do for your safety is to change the locks. You don’t know how many people had keys from previous owners. Call a locksmith right away to get your locks changed. 

3. Make Sure Your Appliances Are Working

If you moved major appliances, like a refrigerator, stove, dishwasher, washer, or dryer, check to make sure these appliances and electronics are working to confirm nothing was damaged during the move. 

4. Change Your Mailing Address

Change your address before moving day so that there’s no mail delivery interruption during the transition period. The change of address process is straightforward. You can either complete the task in person at the nearest post office or complete it online

Be sure to change your mailing address directly with your credit card lenders, your bank, and any other important places you get mail from. Change your address with the Department of Motor Vehicles as well. You should get updated licenses and registration for all drivers and vehicles in your home. 

5. Get to Know Your Community

Take the time to introduce yourself to your new neighbors. 

Though it might be tempting to keep your head down and headphones in while walking your dog, look for opportunities to say hello and introduce yourself. Meeting your neighbors can make you feel more at home and even help you get to know the community better.

It’s also important to visit area businesses like the local coffee shop or the area park district. Immerse yourself in your new surroundings. These personal and professional contacts will help you feel more connected to your new home and neighborhood. 

Enjoy Your New Home 

Now that you know all the things to do when moving into a new house make sure you get these things done as soon as possible. 

For more tips on moving, check out our blog!